Tuesday, March 13, 2007

SEO with Headlines field on the Yahoo store Item/Section Pages

New Yahoo Store Merchants always ask me whether they should use the item name or headline for the product pages.

The "headline" field lets you control the look and feel of title text on a product page without affecting the actual title of the page, the shopping basket, or the name that appears in Yahoo! Shopping.

Use the "headline" feature if you have a long, descriptive product name and you don't want text to wrap below the image or scroll off the page. "Headlines" let you shorten the product name, add linebreak tags in the middle of a long title so it displays on more than one line, or add bold or italic tags to your product title.

Don’t use HTML tags in the "Name" field. This will get you in trouble. The actual tags will show up within the browser title window - and you've probably seen how unprofessional that looks. Plus not good for search engines like google, yahoo, msn, etc who are looking for a good title tag. Make headlines instead!

One of the trusted SEO RTML templates for your yahoo store is to convert these headlines or name IMAGES on your item and section pages TO TEXT.

Gets picked up by google or any other text based search engines! Call me at 703-880-6510 if anybody needs more info.

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