Unlike with regular CPC AdSense, where you get paid per click, You can encourage users to click your referral links - Firefox with Google toolbar, Google pack and AdSense referrals - By telling them how good that product is, Drawing attention to the link, Changing the style, size, colour and font of the text link, And even by embedding the link directly into your content.
Why the difference in policies? it's simple. With regular AdSense you get paid on a per-click basis, Where as with the referral ads your get paid on a PPA (pay per action) basis, Which means the users have to sign up or download/install something before you get paid.
Be aware that you can not encourage people to click referral links and download products for "deceitful" reasons such as "to support your site" or to "make me some money".
If Google later introduce a pay-per-action system for AdWords i wonder if they will exorcise the same policy for adverts that are not their own.
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