Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Googles Search Engine Update

I have a website that was finally making money, not a lot but some. Every little bit helps.

Getting between 1600-2400 vistors a day. On March 1, it went down to about 300. You guessed it, Google update.

After several sleepless nights and some help from other SEO types, I found the answer, I added affilliate links near Feb 1, 2007, 30 days later, Google removed the website out of its search look up.

Very much a problem, I was number 1 in every state exept New York, in the Google Search Engine

My question is if I was dependant on this site for my income, I did make some money with the site, the point is, if this was my main source of income, now I have none, due to no wrong doing of my own, Google has ripped my food from my childrens mouth, Now what.

Is this going to be the way Google plans to act from now on???

It will be back. You can take that to the bank.


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