Wednesday, March 28, 2007


If you have a home business or are looking for a home based business opportunity, there are a few things YOU NEED to know. Network marketing is here to stay - it is one of the fastest growing industries today. More businesses are advertising on the internet than ever before. Many businesses are simply starting on the internet - because its cheaper and more effective. Why shouldnt you? If you are one of those people who believe you can get rich quick doing nothing - network marketing is not for you. Understand this concept or you will invest in every get rich quick scam out there and LOSE. Network marketing requires WORK - now understand, you may only need to devote 20hrs a week or so - but you are still working your business. There is NO opportunity out there that allows you to sit at home and do NOTHING! Do not throw your money away joining these companies that make those types of promises. Okay, lets talk some more about Success.

No matter what type of home business you join, you NEED to know how to build your business. If you read about network marketers, you will hear them all say “the money is in the list”. While this may be true, I ask you to consider another concept. Most of these types of marketers have joint ventures which can be very profitable - but what happens with “their” list? They cause “burn out” to many of the people on their lists - because these people are sent tons and tons of email offers. People then “opt out” of their lists - leaving that marketer - minus 1, 2, 3 etc. What if, you built a list based on “relationships” - see many outstanding mentors out there today - suggest - building relationships instead of lists! Why? People are drawn to relationships because they can share their problems, their joys, their sorrows etc to someone who is really “listening”. How often to you meet someone who listens? Think about that, when you are talking to someone, are they looking around or looking you in the eye, do they ask you to repeat yourself or are they hearing everything you say, are they allowing themselves to be interrupted by a cell phone or are they focused on “YOU”? You see today, hardly anyone “listens” - if you want to build a lasting business that will continue to grow and grow —YOU BETTER START TO LISTEN!

You say to yourself, well that is easy I can do that. I encourage you to try - take a look at yourself and how you have been building your business. If you are the typical marketer - you pressure the person to make a decision NOW - you dont listen to anything they are saying, your focus is on closing them today. WRONG!! Stop it!! You will not have a successful business if you continue to build it this way — do you know why? Because everyone you sign into your business will follow in your example and build their business the wrong way. If you are doing this now, I encourage you to change. Building your business on relationships - which develop trust and respect and security - are far more worth it. You will be amazed at how quickly your business can grow if you develop these traits and teach them to your partners.

I hope you will take the time to examine your business and make sure you are growing it the right way. My home based business is important to me, but more importantly is what people see in me. Are they seeing a leader or partner that really cares - or are they seeing someone in it for the money? My focus is that people that join with me in my home business will see a leader that wants them to succeed. A leader that desires them to achieve greatness. A leader that will teach them “how” to build a successful business - the “right” way. What do your partners see in you?

If you would like to contact me about my home business - visit me here


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