You will be eager to know that how Search Engine Optimiation - SEO works. Before starting to jump into this deep pool, first learn what is searh engine and how they work for us.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your web pages and getting links into your site in order to achieve the highest search engine rankings possible for your keywords/phrases.
There are mian two way to SEO, One is Ethical SEO (While hat SEO) and one is Un-ethical SEO (Black hat SEO).
Ethical SEO is simply a way to help your pages rank well compared to pages of similar quality and relevancy, making them easier for visitors to find. It also makes the search engine results for your pages’ keywords better for the search engine’s users.
Unethical SEO also exists and uses tactics such as hidden text, keyword spamming, participation in link farms, doorway pages etc. is bad for the search engines because they skew the search results and make them less relevant to the user’s query.
The search engines don’t like this so they penalize (or even ban) sites that use them whenever they catch them.
Why do I need Searh Engine Optimization for my website?
If you can have the very best, most professional looking website in the world, but if nobody finds it it’s useless.
The use of ethical and effective SEO techniques will help potential visitors find your web pages when they do a web search on your relevant keywords/phrases in search engines. In a nutshell, your pages will no longer be many pages down in the search engine results pages (SERPS). They might even end up on the first page!
Search Engine Optimization - SEO work is further divided into two categories
- On-Page Optimization
- Off-Page Optimization
On Page Optimization:
Onpage optimization is the process by which various elements on an individual web page are structured so that the web page can be easily indexed by the search engines for specific keyword or keyword phrases also can get good ranking.
Onpage optimization should occur not only on the main web page of a web site, but on every single content page within that site. You must have focus individual pages for specific keyword or combination of keywords but not more then three keywords.
Below is a list of onpage elements in which we have to focus for specific for Good ranking on good SERPs results:
- How to select proper domain name
- Keywords
- Title
- Metatags
- Internal linking
- Contents
- Body and Keywords
- Text Formatting
- Page Headings
- Alt Image tag
- Navigation
- Sitemap
- Optimize Each Page
- Sub Directory Name and Page URL
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