It is always recmonded that before going to build the contents of your website, and before going to optimize the each webpage, you must have a complete list of keywords (The word or words that relate to a particular topic. Keywords or phrases are used to construct a search statement to find information).
I personaly divide keywors into two following categories
• Primary Keywords
Those keywords which are your main keywords 3-5 keyword for which your mail website should be indexed and rank well in alll mojor search engines.
• Secodary keywors
All the keywords which are used on your different pages along with some matching words which may used differently w.r.t geographically or in different termonolgy
How to find Good keywords?
• Conduct a survey with your friends and net surfers if you are not sure about how people will search for products you are going to offer from your website.
• Make a list of keywords from the meta tags of your competatiors.
• Make a list of your product and services you will offer from your website
• Prepare general name and specific terms if these things have some botonical, chemical or technical naming in professional use. (If applicable)
• Use the following tools
o Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool
o Google Keyword Sandbox
o Word Tracker
o The Best Free Keyword Research Tool
o Good Keywords
Where to place your Keywords
- Place keywords in the paragraphs.
- Place keywords in the heading tags.
- Place keywords in img alt tags.
- When the word is part of a small statement making a specific point, you may bold it or italicize it.
- You may also want to include your keywords a few times in bulleted lists.
- When possible place the keywords in links, and don’t forget navigation.
- The key focus of the page should be on readability. If it does not make sense to human eyes then it is no good for a search engine and it will not convert. You want to use keywords often, but not to the point where it sounds like you are writing for the search engine and not the user. If you are in question to yourself then you probably are overly optimized.
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