Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How to built Internal Linking?

An internal link is a link in the context of web design is a hypertext function whereby clicking on the word or picture (an “object”) causes a web browser to load the new page to which the object is linked. Thus, clicking on the hypertext-affected word card should lead you to a page about a card or cards. Most commonly, a link to a page outside the same domain is considered external, whereas one in the same domain is considered internal. However, these definitions become a bit tricky when the same organization operates multiple domains functioning as a single web experience, e.g. when a secure commerce website is used for purchasing things displayed on a non-secure website. Similarly, a blogging website might have thousands of different blogs, in which context one might view a link as “internal” only if it linked within the same blog, not to other blogs within the same domain.

Anchor Text:

When building internal linking of your documents always use keywords as the anchor text.

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Descriptive internal text links can help search engines understand what your site is about.

You also can make up for slightly under descriptive site navigation links by providing descriptive footer text link navigation.

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A large criteria in search engine rankings is the text used to link to a document. Sometimes it is hard to control how others link to you, but you can always do a good job of providing great links to yourself using internal site linking.

Use Descriptive Anchor Text:

When possible you want to refer to your documents using similar word that are expressed in the title. Let’s say I have a page about payment gateways that is linking to a page about the Features of Payment gateway. I would not use the word “Features” to create the link. I would use the phrase “Online Payment Gateway’s Features” in the link as it would help the relevancy of both pages.

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