Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Beauty is Within Us
O mother dear
Look what you’ve done
To your forlorn and once beloved son
Why was I born at all?
O mother dear
I’m such a freak
A mutant man, a woman underneath
Why was I born at all?It’s you I blame for all the shame
This anguish and this aching
The mirror turned against the wall
Myself despised, forsaken
*You say, “Beauty is within us, your mother knows”
“There’s a beauty that’s within us, just like a rose”
You say, “Beauty is within us, so let it grow”
But it’s grown so dark and uglyO mother dear
I curse you so
For breathing life into your wretched son
Why were you born at all?
O mother dear
I love you so
O please forgive this anger in my soul
Without you I’m aloneIt’s me who’s been eternally damned
Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
All damaged and depravedO mother dear
This misery
Has settled like a stain upon my skin
-a vast unspoken sinAnd my mistake is much too late
But your mistake was trusting
That out of grief, a goodness comes
And love comes out of lusting*repeat
You say, “Beauty is within us, your mother knows”
“There’s a beauty that’s within us, just like a rose”
You say, “Beauty is within us, so let it grow”
But it’s grown so dark I can not see you anymore“O beauty is within us, mother knows”
“O beauty is within us, like a rose”
“O beauty is within us, let it grow”
O mother dear, let me out of here!
I know that you will be very interested in my home business. It is a business that everyone is able to do. You know that some home businesses are either to expensive, you know nothing about the products or services they offer, you dont want to be collecting money or delivering products, you dont want to be stuck with products in your home that you dont need, etc…. Well, that is exactly why I chose the home business I am with. I was able to invest a very small amount to join, and I dont have to do any of the above! I simply Refer people - you do it all the time - you see a movie and tell someone about how good you thought it was. My business is the same way - our products sell themselves because they’re great.
Our company has also been recognized for our “standards”. We believe in helping others reach their goals. This is not a company you join and then figure everything out on your own. I will personally teach you all the valuable information I have learned. We have a lot of training materials and presentations. If you have always been skeptical of a home business opportunity, I assure you, I was too. Let me show you an opportunity I believe will change many people’s lives.
Visit my profile and fill in your contact information so I may provide you with more information.
The Secret to Winning in a Home Business
Understand first: You have what it takes! You have heard about “The Secret” Im sure, and while it states some very interesting concepts, it is also a bit misleading. Positive thinking is essential in “Any” aspect of life. You have already heard “you are what you eat”, ” you will become like those you are around”, ” someone who is negative will bring down everyone around them” etc. These are ALL true. Have you ever been around a crowd of negative people and only ONE person with a positive attitude enters: if that positive person remains in a positive attitude, he/she can change the outcome of the entire group! Amazing!! People really want to be surrounded by positive thinking, they are sometimes simply not strong enough to do it themselves. Practice, Practice, Practice. If you retrain yourself, you too can be that person who changes the outcome. The problem with most people is we are so used to “negative thinking”. It seems to come more naturally for us, that is why it requires “Everyday” retraining yourself to believe you can, you will, you are changing! These are some of the critical aspects of “The Secret” I agree with. The concepts it states that “You are God, You are the Creator, ” You are all powerful” — is nonsense. Its misleading, its a lie! If you are spiritual in any sense, you will realize how the book misleads you by throwing in scriptures and truthful ideas. None of these ideas are “New”.. These ideas have already been around for years…you could have figured ALL of them out on your own without the misleading statements! When you realize you can achieve more than you are right now and that you are “somebody” and that you dont need any special education…..you can become the person you have desired to be. Home business opportunities are increasing every day — the concepts are the same. YOU MUST HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE because it is hard getting started. DO NOT let that disway you - just keep practicing your positive attitude - YOU CAN MAKE IT . Everything you have learned in life or have achieved was done so by repitition. You practiced it over and over until you completed it. Starting with a home business is no different - you must learn “How to share your opportunity” - its a whole new life here but one that has so many rewards if you learn the right way and stick to it. Your success will not come over night - there is alot to learn. Knowing that the rewards and benefits of having a home business will provide you with security, financial freedom, reaching your dreams, being able to retire, the ability to help children thru college and more - will offset any negative emotions. Let me invite you to visit my home business opportunity - one that will provide you with the training, the teaching, positive attitudes, and help you reach your dreams. You may also want to take a look at my other articles for more tips in a home business atmosphere. Remember: there is no Secret - you already have what it takes, you just havent been practicing it! Start today changing your future! Below I have included my link to my business website, read it over, find out what we’re all about, fill out a way for me to contact you and lets get you started to creating Your new future. I will provide you with all the information on my company with no pressure or obligation. Let the Teaching Begin!!
If you have a home business or are looking for a home based business opportunity, there are a few things YOU NEED to know. Network marketing is here to stay - it is one of the fastest growing industries today. More businesses are advertising on the internet than ever before. Many businesses are simply starting on the internet - because its cheaper and more effective. Why shouldnt you? If you are one of those people who believe you can get rich quick doing nothing - network marketing is not for you. Understand this concept or you will invest in every get rich quick scam out there and LOSE. Network marketing requires WORK - now understand, you may only need to devote 20hrs a week or so - but you are still working your business. There is NO opportunity out there that allows you to sit at home and do NOTHING! Do not throw your money away joining these companies that make those types of promises. Okay, lets talk some more about Success.
No matter what type of home business you join, you NEED to know how to build your business. If you read about network marketers, you will hear them all say “the money is in the list”. While this may be true, I ask you to consider another concept. Most of these types of marketers have joint ventures which can be very profitable - but what happens with “their” list? They cause “burn out” to many of the people on their lists - because these people are sent tons and tons of email offers. People then “opt out” of their lists - leaving that marketer - minus 1, 2, 3 etc. What if, you built a list based on “relationships” - see many outstanding mentors out there today - suggest - building relationships instead of lists! Why? People are drawn to relationships because they can share their problems, their joys, their sorrows etc to someone who is really “listening”. How often to you meet someone who listens? Think about that, when you are talking to someone, are they looking around or looking you in the eye, do they ask you to repeat yourself or are they hearing everything you say, are they allowing themselves to be interrupted by a cell phone or are they focused on “YOU”? You see today, hardly anyone “listens” - if you want to build a lasting business that will continue to grow and grow —YOU BETTER START TO LISTEN!
You say to yourself, well that is easy I can do that. I encourage you to try - take a look at yourself and how you have been building your business. If you are the typical marketer - you pressure the person to make a decision NOW - you dont listen to anything they are saying, your focus is on closing them today. WRONG!! Stop it!! You will not have a successful business if you continue to build it this way — do you know why? Because everyone you sign into your business will follow in your example and build their business the wrong way. If you are doing this now, I encourage you to change. Building your business on relationships - which develop trust and respect and security - are far more worth it. You will be amazed at how quickly your business can grow if you develop these traits and teach them to your partners.
I hope you will take the time to examine your business and make sure you are growing it the right way. My home based business is important to me, but more importantly is what people see in me. Are they seeing a leader or partner that really cares - or are they seeing someone in it for the money? My focus is that people that join with me in my home business will see a leader that wants them to succeed. A leader that desires them to achieve greatness. A leader that will teach them “how” to build a successful business - the “right” way. What do your partners see in you?
If you would like to contact me about my home business - visit me here http://lauriem.6s2u.com
101 Stupendous Pick Up Lines and others
1. Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
2. Is your daddy a theif? Then who stole the sparkle of the stars and put them into your eyes?
3. Will you go out with me?………. to McDonald’s? +
4. Can I flirt with you?
5. Blonde, James Blonde… Jr. =
6. I looked up the word BEAUTIFUL in the thesaurus taday, and your name was included.
7. I’ve had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So…
would you please smile for me?
8. Hey, somebody farted. Lets get out of here!
9. You’ve got the whitest teeth I have ever seen!
10. Excuse me, but what pick up line works best for you?
11. Hi, what’s a girl like you doing in a nice place like this?
12. Hi, can I buy you a car?
13. Excuse me, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I please borrow yours?
14. Do you have a boyfriend?
No?! Well do you want one?
Oh, you do? Well, when you want a MANfriend, come talk to me!
15. Can I have directions?… to your heart?
16. For a minute there I thought I had died and gone to heaven, but now I realize that I am very much alive, and that heaven has been brought to me.
17. Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?
18. Hey, don’t I know you? Yah, you’re that girl with the beautiful smile!
19. You know, you might be asked to leave soon. You’re making the other women look really bad.
20. Hi, you’re cute!
21. Hi, are you legal? No, your to hot to be legal.
22. I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you.
23. You know, girls like you give guys like me a reason to live.
24. Even the word Chicka-mama doesn’t describe you! -
25. Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?
26. Nice socks, can I try them on? +
27. Can I carry your books?
28. Your father must be a drug dealer, cuz you dope!
29. Your father must be an alien, because there’s nothing else like you on earth!
30. Your dad must be an awsome baker, because you have rad buns!
31. You know, if I could rearange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
32. Out of curiosity, were you born on a plane? cuz baby, you’re FLY!
33. Hey, what are the chances of a guy like me, picking up a girl like you? +
34. Hi, do you dig guys who use cheesy pick up lines? +
35. Hi, will you reject me if I try and pick you up? +
36. I advise you to surrender imediately or I’ll have to use a pick up line. -
37. If I had hand-cuffs, I’d lock myself to you right now! -
38. It’s a good thing I brought my gloves today, other wise you’d be too hot to handle! -
39. Yesterday, I found this magic lamp and I asked the genie to let you to fall in love with me… did it work? -
40. Is your name Gellete? cuz your the best a man can get.
41. So I heard you got the hots for me!
42. Hey, I know you, yah, you’re that girl in the supermarket looking for the jamacan banana! +
43. That’s amazing! You’re eyes are the exact same color as my porche!
44. Are you tired? cuz you’ve been running around in my mind all day!
45. I know milk does a body bood, but how much have you been drinking?!!!!!
46. Are those space pants? cuz your legs are out of this world!
47. It’s a good thing I have my library card, because I’m checkin’ you out!
48. Hey good lookin’, what’s cookin’?
49. See these arms? They are just dying to be wrapped around you! +
50. Reproducing, eh? Mind if I help? (ya kinda need to be at a copy maching for this one)
51. Do you mind if I stare at you up close, instead of from across the room?
52. Hey baby, got any cavities?
53. If I asked you…… would you marry me? +
54. I got a word for you in my secret language, it’s Chicka-mama! -
55. I’ll see you later, I have to pick up my new porche.
56. Are you a model? =
57. Do you want to come over? My mom wants to be the first one to meet the girl of my dreams! +
58. I’m a stud, not a dud! =
59. Hey, I’m writing a love letter to you, how exactly do you spell BEAUTIFUL? +
60. My heart combination is LOVE! =
61. Wanna get married in the temple? (you sort of have to be Mormons to use this one)
62. My pits say, you smell good! =
63. If it startd to rain, would you come under my unbrella? +
64. Hey, is it hot in here, or it that just you?
65. Am I hot or what?
66. You are beautiful in every language! +
67. If beauty were measured in seconds, you’d be an hour!
68. I thought I’d come over and say hello before you caught me staring.
69. Was it love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
70. So are you ever going to talk to me, or were you just going to continue to stare?
71. You have the academic look I just lust after.
72. You’re cute! Mind if I use you so I can impress my friends?
73. Can I buy you a soda, or do you just want the money?
74. I’ve got a thirst baby, and you smell like my Gatoraid!
75. Nice boots, want a meaningful relationship?
76. What? Do you want one of us to come over there and bite you are something?
77. Hey, I’m bored. Entertain me and I’ll buy you a root beer.
78. You look like the type of girl that has heard every line in the book, so what’s one more?
79. Hi, the voices in my head tole me to come over and talk to you.
80. Hi, all my friend call me sheldon. +
81. Hey, I’m in a rock band! +
82. Hey honey, I got money!
83. Are you Sweadish? cuz you’re the sweetish girl I’ve met!
- or - cuz you’re the sweetish fish in the sea!
84. Excuse me, but you owe me a soda! cuz when i saw how beautiful you were, I dropped mine.
85. How are you? [”Fine”] Darn right you are.
86. My name is Peter Pan, cuz I can take you to Never Never Land.
87. I’m gonna follow you home.
88. You are a cruel thief, cuz you stole my heart!
89. If I followed you home, would you keep me?
90. Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes.
91. Are you O.K.? because it’s a long fall from heaven.
92. I’m sorry, I’m an artist and it’s my job to stare at beautiful women!
93. Hey, I’m a professional wrestler, can I get ya in a headlock? Don’t worry, I get paid to do this! +
94. I know I don’t look like much now, but I’m drinking milk.
95. What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?
96. You must be from Tennassee! Because you are the only TEN I see!
97. Yo baby, gimme yo digits! +
98. You know what I think? I think that it is about time you stop ignoring me. Let’s say we engage in a meaningless conversation… +
99. Hey, can you do me a HUGE favour!? Ask me on a date in front of my friend over there? +
100. Do you alway wear your shoes over your socks?
101. See my friend over there? (he waves sheepishly from afar) Well, he wants to know if you think I’m cute!
32 lines to get sugar
1. I bet you a dollar I can kiss you without touching you. (kiss) Here’s your dollar.
2. Hey, what would you do if I kissed you right now?!!
3. Hey, normaly I charge girls when they kiss me, but for you I’ll make an exeption. -
4. Kiss me if I’m wrong but haven’t we met before?
5. Wanna get some pizza and KISS?… No!? you don’t like pizza?!!
6. So hey, I hear you’re a great kisser. +
7. Do you like peanut butter? Do you want to kiss?
8. Do you want to play spin the bottle? Come on! +
9. Did you know that kissing prolongs life? +
10. Doesn’t this musick make you want to kiss? +
11. My friend bet me ten bucks you wouldn’t kiss me, so lets say I give you half and you do.
12. Do you want to dance? No?! Then I guess kissing is out of the question, eh?
13. If I were elvis, would you kiss me?
14. Here’s the deal, give me a kiss and if I don’t like it, I swear I’ll give you a full refund. +
15. If you kiss me, I promise to stop bugging you.
16. Hey baby, how about some kissing lessons? I’m a professional amateur! ^+
17. Yo mama, how about some lip wrestling? ^
18. Is it cold in here, or are you just afraid to kiss me? +
19. If I was the last man on Earth, I bet you would kiss me in public!
20. Hey, you wanna know what I heard about you? Kiss me and I’ll tell you.
21. Hey, my lips can dance just as good as me! let’s kiss! +
22. i’m usually better looking! give me a kiss and i’ll turn into a prince!
23. hugs are for wusses, give me a kiss! +
24. i’ll give you 10 bucks if you kiss me right now in front of my friend over there!
25. Do you believe in obeying the scriptures? read this… (2 corinthians 13:12) +
26. hey girls, each of you pick a number between 1 & 100. you win! (kiss the girl who’s the hottest and run) +%
27. Didn’t anyone tell you that you wanted to kiss me?!?! I thought you knew???
28. Kiss me if I am wrong, but you want to go out with me, don’t you…
29. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but isn’t your name… ?
30. Hi, I’m not trying to pressure you, I don’t want to kiss without mutual consent; but by the way, you have my consent, don’t worry!
31. My lips are registered weapons. Watch out, cuz your on my wanted list!
32. I am a magical being, I command you to kiss me. NOW! (stretch your arms out and wiggle your fingers)
Even More Pick Up Lines
1) Hello, you caught my attention but I’m in the middle of a conversation with an old friend of mine. Let me buy you a soda now, and I’ll be back in a few minutes because I’d really like to meet you!
2) Hey baby, wanna wrestle? +
3) I’m not Elmo, but you can tickle me anytime you like!
4) I’d walk a million miles to see one of your smiles.
5) Hey, if i wistled at you, would you stop and talk to me??? +
6) You can’t be sisters! That’s not fair to the rest of the family trees to have 2 peices of fruit as beautiful as you. +
7) Hey, how old do you think i am? + Hey, can i write a song about you? I will call it, “to the love of my life… you are so beautiful!” +
9) Hey, can i butt into your personal life? +
10) Do you think i have a chance with you? +
11) Hey, what’s your name? Wow! Did you know what the ancient greek translation for your name is? Your name means… “Godess of Beauty!” +
12) Did you want to go out with me, or do you just get a kick out of playing hard to get? +
13) Hey, my email address is: “sheldon@studly_and_available.com”. +
14) Hey, can i buy you some flowers? +
15) Hey babalicious, are you chewable… i mean available? +
16) Are your hands cold? +
17) Wanna see my socks? +
18) Do you have even the slightest idea of how beautiful you are? +
19) Do you always have to look this good?! You are driving me bananas! +
20) I bit the last girl who turned “me” down! +
21) Why are you ignoring me? You haven’t said a word to me all day! +
22) (Give them a flower) “I just wanted to show this flower how beautiful you are!”
23) Hey, my dentist says i have perfect theeth! (you need milk duds caught in your teeth for this one to work!) +
24) Who are you waiting for? … are you sure you aren’t waiting for me??? +
25) It’s girls like you that make days like this, all the more beautiful! +
26) So uh, … what um… are you, uh… doing on uhm… you know … like on Saturday night?
27) Would you like to help me with my self esteem?
28) I am looking for someone with a good head on their shoulders. I just hate necks.
29) Excuse me, but … would you like to see my collection of curly nose hairs?
30) Are you religious? Good, because I’m the answer to your prayers.
31) Are those space pants??? Because your buns are out of this world!
32) Do you want to dance? No? NO! i said you look fat in those pants!
33) Achoo! Sorry, i must be alergic to your good looks!
34) If beauty were a drop of water, you’d be an ocean!
35) Man, you sure are easy on the eyes!
36) You’re walkin’ like you want a boyfriend! so… want one?
37) Hey, open your mouth! i just want to see if you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside! +
38) do you have stars on your underwear? becuase your butt is out of this world!
39) Your good looks are lethal! you’re killing me! +
40) Do you have a license to kill? becuase your good looks are killing me! +
41) Even if you were a cactus, i would still want to hug you! +
42) So hey, your friend told me you got the hots for me… i think she’s right! +
43) Hey, here’s the signals: thumbs up it’s good, thumbs down it’s bad. here’s the plan: you stay right here, don’t take off on me! i’m gonna go over there behind that bush, and when you see me pop my head out, give me the signal wether you would go on a date with me or not, k? see you soon! +
44) hey, wanna hold the preisthood?
45) i get so frustrated when hot chicks like you only look as far as the surface, cant you see my inner beauty??? +
46) i dont have time for long goodbyes… so here. (hug and run!)%
47) i dont have time for those lame cheezy pickuplines, so i’ll just say your one hot mama! %+
48) quick call 9-11, ther’s about to be a crime committed (hug and run) hug and run, hug and run! +
49) sorry for what i’m about to do. (hug and run)%
50) i hope you dont take any offence to this but… (hug and run)%
51) whats your name? oh thats nice, i’ll probly never see you again, so… (hug and run)+%
52) pick a number between 1 and 101. (say the pick up line they choose) +
53) wanna see a magic trick? i can dissapear real fast, watch! close your eyes… (hug and run) +
54) hey wanna go on a date? (put a date on ground, pick her up in your arms [pick a hot chick, preferably skinny] and stand on the date.) how long do you want to be on this date for? +
55) ever since i was a kid, my mom has taught me the importance of household chores, the most useful chore she ever taught me was how to sweep. because now as i’ve gotten older… and wiser, i can now sweep girls off there feet! (pick up the girl but do not drop her) +
56) you’re lucky good looks dont start fires, becuase you could burn down a forest! +
57) i’m gonna cry, quick, hold me! ha ha ha +
58) hey, i’ve got something for you (when they open there hand, hold it)
59) you are too pretty for words!
60) Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner.
61) Hey you’re in my seat!
62) Do you have any raisins?’
“No I don’t.”
‘You don’t have any raisins? Well then, how about a date?’
63) I saw you at the party last weekend and you look kind of interesting. Let’s meet sometime.
64) Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
65) Hey, if I wistled at you, would you stop and talk to me? +
66) Hey, lucky you… it’s National Hug Day! (hug and run) +
67) If you were a tear in my eye I would not cry for fear of losing you.
68) My lenses turn dark in the sunshine of your love!
69) So there you are! I’ve been looking all over for YOU, the girl of my dreams!
70) Stand still so I can pick you up!
71) Would you touch me so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
72) Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?
73) [Grab her tush.] Pardon me, is this seat taken?
74) Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. And baby, I’m lost at sea
75) Your name must be Mickey because your so fine.
76) You’re daddy must be a hunter because he sure caught a fox!
77) Can you say constantinople backwards? Me neither, but I just wanted to ask. (elponitnatsnoc)
78) Can you spell ICUP? “I-C-U-P” You saw me pee?!?!? (laugh profusely)
79) I am very, very lonely, and I was wonderin’…
80) would you like to help me with my self esteam?
81) would you go on a date with me sometime?
82) You are just truly absolutely beautiful!
83) If you were a booger I’d pick you first.
84) Your name is Sandra, huh? Can I call you Sandy? Really? what’s your phone number, and what time can I call? are you sure boys are allowed to call you???
85) Are my undies showing? “No.” Would you like them to?
86) Hey, are you one of those chicks who goes out with guys right off the bat? ‘Cause that’s what I’m looking for.
87) Congratulations! You’ve been voted “Most Beautiful Girl In This Room” and the grand prize is a date with me!
88) Hey, I need your help! My mom says that if I don’t get a date by tomorrow, she’s putting me up for adoption! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease…
89) Hey, check these out! (flex your bicepts) +
90) Your hands look cold. Do you want me to warm them up?
91) Girl, you so fine! I wish I could plant you and grow a hole field of you!
92) Baby, you must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet.
93) I think I can die happy now, ‘cause I’ve just seen a piece of heaven.
94) Baby, you’re so sweet, you gonna put Hershey’s outta business!
95) I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness.
96) Is it hot in here or is it just you?
97) Nice to meet you, I’m Sheldon and you’re Gorgeous!
98) You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
99) So, what do you do for a living besides making guys excited and warm all over?
100) Were your parents Greek Gods? ’cause it takes two Gods to make a Goddess!
101) What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?
102) What’s that on your face? Oh, must just be beauty… Here, let me get it off. Hey, it’s not coming off???
103) Ya know, you are really hot! You must be the real reason for global warming.
104) Excuse me, but you have a beep on your nose. “What?” (Reach up and gently squeeze her nose) BEEP!
105) Hi, my name is Sheldon, how do you like me so far?
106) Chicks dig me. I wear colored undywear.
107) Hey, wanna take me out for ice cream sometime??? +
108) Hey, you’re the cosine of an isosolece triangle and i’m a tangent on the same side of the transversal! +
109) i’m gonna put this blind fold on, ok? and now i’m gonna sing you a song, and if you are still standing (or sitting) there when i’m done singing and I take the blind fold off, then that means that either you like my singing, or else you think i’m a hot stud and you want a date with me. ok, here I go… today i’m gonna be singing, “someone’s in the kitchen with Dina”
The cowboy boots
An elderly couple, Margaret and Bert, are in Alberta. Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots. So seeing some on sale one day, he buys them, wears them home,walking proudly He walks into the house and says to his wife
‘Notice anything different about me?’
Margaret looks him over, ‘Nope.’
Frustrated Bert storms off into the bathroom, undresses, and walks back into the room completely naked except for the boots.Again, he asks, a little louder this time ‘Notice anything different NOW?’
Margaret looks up and says, ‘Bert, what’s different? It’s hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, and it’ll be hanging down again tomorrow.’
To which Margaret replies…Shoulda bought a hat, Bert. Shoulda bought a hat.’